Tuesday, January 12, 2010

... LOST ...

How difficult nowadays life seems
The rigmarole i once hated , now feels like a dream .

In this heart of mine once there was light
As i had hopes pinned on my last fight .

Time and again I bared my all to endure the whip
Yet good times always somehow managed to give me a slip .

Now as darkness engulfs the horizon , the outcome is almost clear
The battle is almost lost , a painful fact that i have to bear .

I might feel satisfied cause with all my strength i fought
But the horrifying outcome will always unsettle me as i lost my precious , the one i had so dearly sought ...

May be i missed the quintessential kick that was needed for a start
Or maybe lady luck never came by to play her much needed part .

Whatever be the reason , the outcome makes me feel wrought
Coupled with the painful reminders that it has with itself brought .

"Life is all about going on" thou may say
But is it truly a 'LYF' if i could never have it my own way ???


  1. i jus failed 2 figure out wot lyf really wantz......

  2. it seems that fate has wrought bad luck in disguise... Cheer up boy, mirthiness suits you well !
